Nanomedicine ZPH : science creator + wealth creator + work creator
Business Name:
Nanomedicine & Nanodrugs ZPH GmbH | Frankfurt am Main, Germany | 2022
Company Overview:

If you visit an oncologist, whose patients call him/her the doctor of miracles, do not doubt that ZPH nanomedicine is his/her signature.

Cancer patients ! trust ZPH technology and celebrate your bravery of this decision !

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry October 2023 _ A sign for ZPH success.
In October 2023 “the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots” subject won the prestigious Nobel prize. “Quantum dots technology” is the technology that is involved in ZPH nanoformulations designs.

ChatGPT : launched on November 30, 2022 (Novel)
Nanomedicine & Nanodrugs ZPH GmbH : launched on November 25, 2022 (Novel)